Fantasy Jewellery
Oftentimes, the world of Jewellery and Fashion intertwine. We see the world of High Fashion and Haute Couture. In that world, they are beautiful and elegant dresses. But, that does not mean that brands like Dior won’t put in fantasy dresses into their collections. Fantasy Dresses are shapes and colours that are different from the norm. They are more creative shapes and colours. Here at Jaubalet, we don’t only have traditional shapes, but being the specialists of High Jewellery that we are at Place Vendome, we have a more fantasy collection as well. Fantasy pieces are great to complete casual or even cocktail outfits. If you work in Fashion, these pieces are fantastic for Fashion Week. Our pieces are so unique that they will be the hit of any event. People will be stopping you, asking you where you found such unique designs. Our most fantasy collection is the Alpheratz Collection. The Alpheratz Collection was born of our founder Patrick Baruel, the Parisian architect Thierry Lemaire who is know for his innovative designs, and the mosaics artist Béatrice Serre who is known for her innovative designs. This fantastic collaboration between these three innovative artists brings you this never before seen collection.
Fantasy Jewellery: Alpheratz Collection
The Alpheratz Collection is made of 5 fantasy rings. The Al Ashfar, The Al Kalb Al Rai, The Al Khena, The Al Shuja, and the Al Farkadain. All of these rings have a very natural and earthy tone to them. They have Precious Stones on them as well. They are very innovative designs and colours. They use materials that come from far away and are wonderful for women who travel. The Precious Gems on these rings are changeable. Contact one of our jewellery experts to make an appointment.
Fantasy Jewellery: Necklaces, Pendants, and Earrings
As well as having rings, we have fantasy necklaces, pendants, and earrings as well. My favourite of all of these is the “Quake” necklace and earrings. The Quake Collection is especially beautiful and comes in both types of gold. It also comes in precious gems.